Initially when I read this article it was difficult to put this into a specific category only because I feel like this could be in the genre of sports or even something to do with controversial topics. The vibe that I get from this text is that it is trying to passive aggressively call out the sports broadcasting system and it's misogynistic tendencies. I honestly do believe that I am part of the intended audience. While reading this article, I could feel almost a sense of empowerment rise within me. I wanted to start looking into why men are dominating that field and moreover why women are hired into positions like that solely for the purpose of being a mediator between the men. This text, in short, is about one of the most recognizable faces in the sports broadcasting network, Stephen Smith and how his career has shifted since he started. Initially when he started he was essentially doing post-game breakdowns and opinions about what he coaches should've done differently. Then his job grew and he now has his own segment as well as one he does with others hosts. I honestly think that the point of this article was to have an outlet to vent about how much the author dislikes that type of "journalism" and specifically Stephen Smith and how he literally, does not stop talking.
Mentor Text 4 - Stephen A. Smith Won't Stop Talking
Updated: Apr 23, 2022